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What is a Purchasing Manager or Agent?
What is our job as a purchasing manager?

First point is to have a clear goal, which is to find a SUPPLIER that meets the needs of the product we are needing.
That is, there is a clear objective that is to find a supplier that suits our needs, facilitating our import process from any country.



Within the conventional functions, we find the following:
1.-Personal visit to industries and supplier factories: On those visits quality were defined, price negotiation, formalization purchase order
2. – Import advice and delivery steps Issue orders for payment with their deadlines.
3. – Price comparison between various suppliers.
4.-Market research to see if our product was good in the market
5.-Coordination in the transport of goods. This facilitates the fulfillment of the agreed contracts and the margins required for the customer’s choice.

Current Search

It is important to understand that we are in an increasing sector where they themselves must adapt and begin to work into this form of globalization of markets.


1.-Search for reliable suppliers that have or can be verified by our company (more information in services)
2.-Customs logistics: The import of transporting your products correctly and properly (more information in services)
3.-Customs processing: Having experts before the departure of goods of origin this will allow us to avoid extra costs. (More information on services)
4. – Quality control: It is common to receive complaints from customers about the expected lack of quality, so quality management is essential for a purchasing agent.
Visits to factories are decisive for achieving this quality. (More information on services)
Important and decisive factors for successful import.

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