We are experts on verify, export and import products from China to Mexico


From our experience working with Exporters, we can say that one of the most difficult aspects of Mexico’s supply is finding reliable suppliers
Find suppliers they want to export is easy, but finding the choice that suits their needs can be a big challenging.

Our Mission: To provide a comprehensive service to our customers in the purchase, handling and logistics of all types of goods.
To serve and advise our customers on the import needs of goods in the trade order.
Our services are aimed at large, medium and small businesses, or people who require our services.

Vision: As a company to be a facilitator in both import logistics services and in the other services we offer.

To be another tool that helps the growth of your business.

Our Mission: To provide a comprehensive service to our customers in the purchase, handling and logistics of all types of goods.
To serve and advise our customers on the import needs of goods in the trade order.

Our services are aimed at large, medium and small businesses, or people who require our services.

Vision: As a company to be a facilitator in both import logistics services and in the other services we offer.

To be another tool that helps the growth of your business.

Experts on verify factories on China for your business